Sunday, July 31, 2011

coyote caiparinia dance

working through the mint of scents
at the foot of rosebush cluster
yote gits a nibble of piss mint
some long dog passing psychotropes into cover
a half block further starts to come on
phantom bitch shadows saccades
prey twitch waft
rainbow haloes stars and polelights
yote circles back to that mint stand
tosses dancemint into possibles bag, might need this
whimpering fun

Coyote UrYote from Coyote Runs

coyote ur yote

from mind withdrawn
analysed as myth a name for the tail

sit round
passing round
dooby dooby

what I was saying
comes round again
flickers minders
a column of smoke

a song for that
round of changes
pick of regulars
bridge of tales
warm fireside and backside to cold